Autonomous Car for Indian Terrain


Autonomous Vehicle (AV), Convolutional neural network, Deep learning, Neural Network


In recent years, autonomous vehicle (AV) technology has improved dramatically. Self-driving cars have the potential to transform urban mobility in India by offering sustainable, convenient, and congestion-free transportation. However, India confronts challenges such as potholes and the need for enhanced lane detection to make autonomous vehicles a reality. The project's central goal is to create a Convolution Neural Network (CNN) model that can scan and identify its surroundings and move. This paper proposes a project which is accomplished by training CNN with a dataset of images and videos to perform advanced lane identification, pothole recognition, and sophisticated object detection.


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  • Published: 2022-11-03

    Issue: Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022) (view)

    Section: Research Articles

    How to cite:
    S. T. Patil, A. Aher, Aarushi Bhate, Adnan Shaikh, and Sandhya Vinukonda, “Autonomous Car for Indian Terrain”, Intell Methods Eng Sci, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 13–17, Nov. 2022.

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